Project Milestones - Year 3



The project has conducted 75 separate learning events in Y3 and has engaged 1739 participants in total (52% women) across the 3 districts of Serenje, Chitambo and Mkushi. The 75 learning events were:

Beekeeping Training (April 2019)

Beekeeping has been identified as a profitable enterprise for ZYCALA youth. Following on from the success of the 100 beehives that we made earlier in the year, on 8 April, beekeeping training started in Chitambo. The training was conducted via presentations and group discussions with empowered women taking the lead in group presentations.  There were demonstrations of the protective bee keeping uniform, exploring how the materials work to protect the farmer from bee stings.

The youth have already started to implement the techniques they have learnt. At Kafunda demo site, beehives have been hung from trees – an optimum spot for bee colonisation. Throughout the sites over 59 bee hives have already been colonised.


Radio Communications Training (May 2019)

(1 event; 23 youths trained)

Youth trained in radio communication skills including operating hand held recorders, storytelling and engagement with local radio stations.


Saving and Internal Lending Communities Training (Sept 2019)

(Trainings in all 14 demo sites; 345 trained)

Training in village banking model to promote accountability and management of financial resources. A community-driven initiative that promotes self-reliance and management of resources.


Advocacy and Communications Training (Oct 2019)

(Trainings in all 14 demo sites; 276 trained)

Training workshop to address the gaps and challenges faced by ZYCALA youth in their quest to strengthen conservation advocacy initiatives in their communities.


Permaculture and Agroforestry Training (Nov 2019)

(Trainings in all 14 demo sites; 294 trained)

Youth further upskilled in sustainable organic agriculture and agroforestry techniques in a training with Indian permaculture expert, Pradyut Kumar.


Constitution Formulation Training (Nov 2019)

(Trainings in all 14 demo sites; 299 trained)

Programme to strengthen the capacities of youth in leadership and rules and guidelines to ensure effective organization and operation of the groups. A follow up was the registration of group societies which will be instrumental in the establishment of a honey cooperative in Y4.


Poultry Training (Jan 2020)

(Trainings in all 14 demo sites; 289 trained)

District coordinators and demonstration site leadership were supported to conduct a refresher training for poultry farming.


Solar Drying Training (Mar 2020)

(1 event; 28 youth trained)

Training by Sylva Food Solutions focused on use of solar drying technology to dry and preserve targeted crops. The training focused on drying, processing, packaging, and marketing.


Leadership Training (June 2020)

(1 event; youth trained)

Leadership training with the Masansa Youth Conservation Club in Zambia took place with necessary safety measures to equip the youth with the necessary leadership skills to thrive in the project


Youth Conservation Groups Certification (June 2020)

Gaia Education, WWF and YEFI continue to empower youths in Central province of Zambia and have registered 14 youth conservation groups to enhance conservation, improve livelihoods and ensure food security.


Leadership Training (June & Sept 2020)

The Young Emerging Farmers Initiative (YEFI) successfully conducted two leadership trainings, with support from WWF, in its efforts to build strong youth leaders and champions in organic sustainable agriculture and stewards of Natural resources in their communities.


Demo Plot Agricultural Visits (June & Aug 2020)

Two demo plot visits were undertaken at 14 demo plots in order to monitor sustainable organic agriculture practices at the demo plots and to also encourage more practices and techniques.


Youth-led Beekeeping Training (Aug 2020)

Selected youths were chosen from one demo plot to another to train fellow youths and new groups in Beekeeping. The youths of ZYCALA have shown great trainer of trainers skills and leadership skills which have enabled them to transfer knowledge in Beekeeping to other youths and communities.


Agriculture Youth Exchange Visit (Aug 2020)

The youths had an exchange of knowledge in sustainable agriculture techniques by visiting Zakeyo demo plots to see what fellow youths are doing and what agriculture practices they are implementing in their respective fields. It was also an opportunity to share what has been working, challenges faced and learn how to work better, sustainably and smarter.


Zambia Bureau of Standards Audit and Certification (Aug 2020)

On the quest to achieve quality standards of production, the ZYCALA Beekeeping and Honey Production activity was audited by the Zambia Bureau of Standards (ZABS) and the honey product was tested. This activity was an effort to achieve certification of product and test compliance to hygiene and acceptable standards of production.


Savings and Internal Lending Communities Training (Aug 2020)

ZYCALA conducted a SILC refresher training to accommodate new groups on the knowledge and functioning of a SILC group. On this day the youths were able to learn to borrow and lend within their communities, start businesses, pay school fees and support family needs through SILC. In the rural areas of Zambia where many communities are unable to access banking institutions and systems due to barriers associated with businesses, people are able to bank within their local communities through SILC.


Youth-led Solar Drying Training (Sept 2020)

ZYCALA youths conducted a solar drying Training in their respective demo plots to teach fellow youths and the communities on solar drying of fruits and vegetables as a method of food preservation. In rural communities, the most common method of food preservation is smoking or drying due. But even so, not all communities have the knowledge on how to dry fruits and vegetables. Therefore, the youths who were recently trained in solar drying trained fellow youths on how to preserve food through solar drying and by the use of solar drying equipment.


Solar Drying Construction Training (Sept 2020)

As an effort to build the capacity of youth, ZYCALA trained youths in 14 demo plots in solar dryer construction. The youths attained a valuable skill that they can use to generate income, preserve their food and also improve their own livelihood.


Baiting and hanging of beehives (Oct 2020)

The ZYCALA Project is currently baiting and hanging the newly constructed Beehives in the trees. In central province, the ZYCALA youths are conserving forest and reducing deforestation and biodiversity loss through Beekeeping.
